Enjoy a little Leprechaun fun as we explore the color green, have a green snack, search for a Pot of Gold & share a story or two.
The components of most ECFE classes are:
Growing Together: For You and Your Child: Half of each class is devoted to activities planned by a licensed early childhood teacher for parents and children to explore together. Together you can enjoy learning through art, music, stories and a variety of developmental activities. It is an opportunity to learn new ideas, games and activities that you can do at home.
Growing Independently: For Your Child: The remaining portion of each class is for children to have fun learning through play using art, movement, games and stories with the licensed early childhood teacher, the classroom assistant and the other children. New friendships are formed and children discover aspects of “me” while they learn apart from you. The goal of the children’s program is to develop a healthy self-concept and a joy of learning.
Growing Confidently – For You: While children take part in the children’s program, parents join with other parents in an informal group setting for discussion time led by a licensed parent educator. Being a parent is enjoyable, complex, and at times, stressful. Parents have the opportunity to choose and discuss current family topics, share ideas and concerns and feel encouraged by the support of others.